Citrix Ready

End-user Centric APM


Business Critical

Custom Built

How can AppEnsure work for you?

Citrix XenApp / XenDesktop

Citrix XenApp / XenDesktop

Packaged Applications

Business Critical Applications

Custom Applications

Custom Built Applications

Trusted and Used

AppEnsure - Gartner

Gartner includes AppEnsure in the Application-Aware Infrastructure Performance Monitoring (AA-IPM) category focusing on the specific needs IT Operations have to effectively support every application in production.

AppEnsure - EMA

"EMA is impressed with AppEnsure's advanced levels of automation, ease-of-use, and analytics… plus the ability to quickly demonstrate customer value was also telling."

AppEnsure - The Virtualization Practice

"AppEnsure gives IT Ops visibility into application response time and throughput which arms them with the necessary data to quickly resolve performance issues."
