Citrix Ready

End-user Centric APM

New Category Fulfills Wish List

April 17, 2014 | By: Steve

Gartner analyst Jonah Kowall recently published a new report titled “How to Leverage Application-Aware Infrastructure Performance Monitoring to Simplify Root Cause Analysis” that discusses the emerging category of tools developed for IT Operations. The new category, Application-Aware Infrastructure Performance Monitoring (AA-IPM), focuses on the specific needs IT Operations have to effectively support every application in production. This is great news for IT Operations – the people ultimately responsible for ensuring applications are being delivered to end users – because it validates their growing “wish list” to gain visibility into the performance of applications in virtualized data centers, software-defined data centers or clouds.

AA-IPM tools give a holistic view of the performance of applications by presenting critical information and metrics from an infrastructure perspective. They aid in troubleshooting poor application performance and provide visibility into how all of the applications actually perform across the entire infrastructure all the way to the end user. The specific management requirements of an AA-IPM tool and the requirements on IT Operation’s wish list include:

Automatic identification of every Windows and Linux application by name
Automatic discovery and continuous updating of the topology map for every application
Measurement of the end-to-end and hop-by-hop response time and throughput for every application
Capturing of the errors across the entire stack of each application
Automated, and actionable diagnostics when degradations in response time occur
Instant time to value – set up must be simple and show immediate value

For IT Operations, costly bridge calls and endless war room meetings can be averted with this new set of AA-IPM tools. Gartner realizes the need. AppEnsure is ready to help.